Draft Portfolio
Starting point: In looking at the pieces for my portfolio it was really emotionally pleasing to see how my work has developed from the start of the UXD program until now. I have learned a lot and continue to learn the umbrella of UXD.
Drawing from the inspiration of other UXD portfolios I have gathered that a lot of the items I want to highlight can have either a lot of description from the projects outcomes to very little description. My projects are clearly not by a career expert in UXD, I am still fairly new, but I have learned a lot. I would say I am familiar with UXD, but not yet a complete expert. For this I think that the work in my portfolio has to be descriptive enough to highlight the effort and encompass the principals of UXD.
For my portfolio I plan to use this medium, Medium. I fell like it is very straight forward, clean and eliminates the need to focus on creating a nice website, taking away the focus on the portfolio pieces.
This draft does not highlight my pieces nor is close to any final product. I really just want to display 12 pieces form this program and get feed back from the group to see if the medium is “okay” and if maybe I am missing some portfolio pieces.
Item 1: Persona Layout
Item 2: Accessibility Memo
Item 3: Mobile Guerilla Testing
Item 4:Remote Unmoderated Usability Test
Item 5:UX Brief
Item 6: Workflow Wireframe
Item 7: 10ft Interface and Controller Prototype
Item 8: User Research Report for Public Library
Item 9: Wire Frame for Application
Item 10: Accessibility Plan
Item 11: Accessibility Evaluation
Item 12: Accessibility and Universal Design Guidance